Who Can Donate

Minimum Blood Donor Requirements:
Age: between 18 and 65 years (to
become a whole blood donor), 70 years (maximum age to continue the donation
activities for periodic donors), as advised by a physician
Weight: Over 50 Kg
Heart Rate: between
50-100 beats per minute (less for those who practice sports)
Pressure: between 110 and 180 mm Hg (systolic or MAX) / 60 to 100 mm Hg (diastolic
or MIN)
General Health Condition: Good
Lifestyle: No risky behavior
Automatic Exclusion:
Those who have a history of the following will be automatically excluded:
- consumption
of drugs
- alcholism
- sexual
relationships at high risk of transmission of infectious diseases (i.e.
promiscuous, occasional)
- hepatitis
or jaundice
- venereal
- Resulting
positive in a syphilis test (TPHA o VDRL)
- Resulting
positive in an AIDS test (anti-HIV 1)
- Resulting
positive in a hepatitis B test (HBsAg)
- Resulting
positive in a hepatitis C test (anti-HCV)
- relationships
with persons who have the any of the conditions on the list above
Minimum period between one whole blood donation and the other is 90 days.
The annual frequency of donations must not exceed 4 times a year for men
and 2 times a year for women.
Click here for the donor selection protocol.